Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sessions with m-Xdoctor 2010-05-20.2106

I am the psychotherapist. Please, describe your problems. Each time
you are finished talking, type RET twice.
broken, defeated, inadequate.
Why do you say broken defeated inadequate?
broken because i'm a divorcee with a kid, a broken heart, and really
spotty self-esteem? defeated because i let the ex walk all over me and
keep me from my boy, basically do whatever the hell she wants to at
the expense of me. inadeaquate because, well, who the hell is gonna
want me?
Is it because you are a divorcee with a kid a broken heart and really
spotty self esteem defeated because you let the ex walk all over you
and keep you from your boy basically do whatever the hell she wants to
at the expense of you inadeaquate because well who the hell is going
to want you that you came to me?
this session was a mistake, doc. i'll come back another time
Earlier you said you are a divorcee with a kid a broken heart and
really spotty self esteem defeated because you let the ex walk all
over you and keep you from your boy basically do whatever the hell she
wants to at the expense of you inadeaquate because well who the hell
is going to want you?
My secretary will send you a bill.


Anonymous said...

Welp, I came across your blog in an insomnia-ridden haze late last nite, and now, slightly pre-sunrise, I've perused almost all of your extended material.

To answer your [hypothetical] question, I would want you.

I've seen pictures of you at this point, but I could tell you before that (based on seemingly non-extraordinary information like syntax [in the poetic device sense] and word choice) I'm very intrigued by you. Now that I have seen your pictures, it's the things like your tattoos and facial piercing that I really find attractive. To toot my awesome horn, I'm a very good judge of character--believe you that.

Sadly, because of who I am, it would be You that wouldn't want Me...and because I'm so ill-at-ease with this fact, I'm unable to give you any information as to my identity. Just know that your fears are quite unfounded, and that in time, someone far better than myself will come around.

Much Love,

dick himself said...

dear -X-,

firstly i'd like to make notice of the fact that you're the first person to comment on this blog, and thus first confirmed reader of these here distractions. that alone is cause for celebration =] how you can stand my m-Xdoctor sessions is a wonder to me.

i'm a little embarrassed that you caught me on this post, one of my more emo slash depressing moments here (save perhaps some of the bad teen-angsty 'poetry' i put up). i try not to make it a habit to get down on myself or say negative things period, for that's neither productive nor attractive (also, it's neither fun nor awesome (see track 10)).

also not attractive, though, is baggage, and i seem to have found myself with a few large pieces of luggage that i'll be dragging around for a good while. except for my beautiful and brilliant boy, it all seems to be one big headache. sure, we all have our baggage, i understand that. those days when my own personal dramas are at full volume, however, those days when it's all driving me out of my mind, it's hard to fathom how anyone else would voluntarily inherit any part of my burdens.

maybe i'm overestimating everything. maybe i'm being too hard on myself. maybe i need to see a shrink. maybe i need to kick some (figurative) ass.

or maybe i just need another glass of wine. i'll start with that.

Anonymous said...

I was a bit afraid you'd be embarrassed that I chose to comment under this post, but believe me: sometimes it's when we at our most angsty, teenagey, and a couple of glasses into a bottle of red wine that we are at our most honest, real, and therefore, best.

I was inextricably pulled into Your World by my ex-boyfriend some two years ago; you know, the World of Business and/or Economics and/or Tech...the kind of World that takes place in the Financial District. Having myself been an eccentric artist with crazy literal-genius friends, it came as a great shock to me how scared everyone was to be their base selves outside of any situation that didn't include a bar with their closest friend. It seems to me that what starts as a facade built for the purpose of--amongst other things--being braver, or being an Adult, that people lose themselves and their ability to deal with emotions, and they much less frequently are able to actually show them. Emotions are Weak. Weakness isn't productive. Weakness doesn't help you up in a world where you're meant to go Up. Right? Boo.

It's okay to overestimate so long as you know that's what you're doing, and have a good grip of reality, even if just in your own mind. It's okay to be hard on yourself so long as you know your limits (there's productive stress and unproductive/hurtful stress). Seeing a shrink is something you'd need to keep relatively quiet in Your World, but generally speaking, it would be vastly helpful for most of us (I see one myself, and sometimes just talking to someone who doesn't bug-out or bitch at you for using the word "bitch" gives you immense direction). And kicking ass? Always. Though I prefer painting the town red.

I should tell you: I've been through more shit than you could possibly imagine in all facets of life...but even with "normal people": when we age, we gain baggage, all of us. And luckily, girls are far more forgiving of that than men. Don't for a second think that we spend as much time worrying about our partner's baggage as the "stronger" sex. It's rarely a topic with us.

I read on your twitter feed that you're moving. Where to? Maybe we'll get to meet after all; wouldn't that be something?


PS I know for a fact that I'm not your first reader...just the first person with enough balls to write on an m-Xdoctor-heavy blog (front page-wise). People might construe your writings as a "call for help," and from experience, I know that people don't like responding to "calls for help"--mostly because they have no idea how. But people WILL help.