Friday, May 21, 2010

Sessions with m-Xdoctor 2010-05-21.0927

I am the psychotherapist. Please, describe your problems. Each time
you are finished talking, type RET twice.
Good morning doc. Just here to kill some time, seeing as I missed my flight.
This is not a healthy way of thinking.
What, you mean "kill"? It's just an expression.
Does it bother you that you, too, may die someday?
I don't think so. I mean, we all gotta die, that's the only thing
truly guaranteed in life. Doctors are working on that problem, though.
Can you elaborate on that?
That's just cold science, doc, not trying to be dark and cynical
here (asdie: as I once heard, science is a cold bitch with a 12-inch
strap-on =] ) Life itslef implies its opposite: death. All that happens
between those two events, well that's what makes each persons' journey
a unique one.
Is it because happens between those two events well that's what makes
each persons' journey an unique one that you came to me?
No doc, just killing time, and the wifi sucks in this spot.
I am worried by your obsession with this topic!
Oops, did I utter "kill" again? Sorry doc, it may be the AFI pumping
through my headphones.
Did you watch a lot of crime and violence on television as a child?
Sure. TV, movies, cartoons, video games, all the things a growing boy
thrives on.
Why do you say that?
My favorite cartoons growing up: He-Man, Voltron, Teenage Mutant Ninja
Turtles, etc., all about the good guys kickin' ass.
I would appreciate it if you would watch your tongue!
Would it each your mind if I pretended I was talking about donkey
beating? Wait, that doesn't sound too much better . . .
Are you annoyed that does not sound too much better?
No, nevermind, ignore that one, doc.
Perhaps you could continue.
Ok, doc, what gets me is that, though you may find my utterance of
"ass" offensive, the fact of the matter is that foul language is part
of the vernacular. Used properly, in context, and not excessively,
cursing can be a fine form of communication.
When did you first know that though I may find your utterance of ass
offensive the fact of the matter is that foul language is part of the
vernacular used properly in context and not excessively cursing can be
a fine form of communication?
Oh boy, i knew that one would go right passed your conversation algorithm.
Is the fact that one would go right passed my conversation algorithm
the real reason?
It's been fun, doc, but it looks like this session broke.
Earlier you said happens between those two events well that's what
makes each persons' journey an unique one?
Goodbye, doctor.
My secretary will send you a bill.

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