Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Sessions with m-Xdoctor 2010-05-04.2346

I am the psychotherapist. Please, describe your problems. Each time
you are finished talking, type RET twice.
not too many problems today, doc, this was a relatively good one.
Why do you say that?
i got a lot done, on both projects. i stayed in obj-c all day, which
i'm getting more annd more cofortable in, so i was able to fly through stuff.
I don't understand.
it's ok doc, not everyone follows when i start talkin' programming.
What happened when you start talkin' programming?
a lot of people i run into think "oh, so you fix computers". no batch,
i tell computers what to do.
You have your mind on computers, it seems.
well, i _am_ on a coputer all day long, for work and play. and for the
one-way conversations lately.
Maybe your plans have something to do with this.
sure thing: do the programmings, make all the money, start ticking
things off the checklist.
Is it because of your life that you are going through all this?
my life is what we're talking about, yes? that's why i come to you.
Is it because you come to me that you came to me?
Can you elaborate on that?
your previous quesiton, it's like asking "does A equal A"? logic
properties aside, it made zero sense.
Earlier you said you come to me?
your ai cracks are showing, doc. goodbye.
How do you reconcile the people you hang around with?
My secretary will send you a bill.

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