Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sessions with m-Xdoctor 2010-07-15.0033

I am the psychotherapist. Please, describe your problems. Each time
you are finished talking, type RET twice.
hello doctor.
How do you do? What brings you to see me?
well, there's this girl i met, and i really really dig her.
Why do you say that?
to be completely vague, she's incredibly cool, i found myself
completely comfortable with her off the bat, and she certainly knows
how to flatter a guy.
Is it because to flatter a guy that you came to me?
Why not?
my real problem, doc, is that i'm hesitent to speak to much of her on
ye old blog. i do like to respect others' privacy.
Does it bother you that you are hesitent to speak to much of her on ye
old blog you do like to respect others' privacy?
i little, i guess. i mean, these are people's lives, and i shouldn't
very well be blasting onto the public internet without their ok.
Earlier you said to flatter a guy?
yeah, she says the sweetest things that just shoot my poor ego into
the stratosphere.
When did you first know that just shoot your poor ego into the
umm, how about the first compliment? yeah, that sounds about right.
Is the fact that about the first compliment yeah that sounds about
right the real reason?
Are you annoyed that I ask that?
Why not?
you're a script, doc, you just do as you're told. i can't blame you
for that.
Can you elaborate on that?
you're what's called a chatterbot, a slick computer program designed
to mimick human conversation, but in reality you're just following a
handful of simple rules.
Does the fact that in reality I am just following a handful of simple
rules explain anything else?
Why not?
that's your nature, doc, plain and simple.
Maybe your plans have something to do with this.
well, getting back on track, as i was saying, i really like this girl,
so much that i want to talk about her to you, to the world, the the
internet ether. but i dare not divulge too much, lest i mistakenly
reaveal something of her identity. putting my own life into the public
eye is one thing, but i dare not force anyone else into the same.
same what ?
same public scrutiny and lost privacy
Are you sure you dare not divulge too much lest you mistakenly reaveal
something of her identity putting your own life into the public eye is
one thing but you dare not force anyone else into the same?
i'm completely sure.
What makes you believe you are completely sure?
that is my belief, doc. each person should have majority control of
how much [s]he put him/herself out there.
Is it because is your belief doc each person should have majority
control of how much s he put him herself out there that you came to
yeah, i guess it is. i guess i just wanted to tell you that i've run
into a really cool, really sweet, really fun girl, but that i can't
tell you anything about her.
Did you ever regret that you cannot tell me anything about her?
a little.
You mentioned that you are hesitent to speak to much of her on ye old
blog you do like to respect others' privacy?
now we're going in cicles, and that's my cue to say goodbye.
Is it because of your life that you are going through all this?
goodbye, doctor.
My secretary will send you a bill.

1 comment:

blah said...

haha, you're incredible, spike <3

i've left enough hints around your pages that if anyone really wanted to dig into who i was, they'd be able to figure it out relatively easily (especially because these are people who are geniuses when it comes to teh internets).

your entry made me feel so can post in that manner as much as you'd like! i give you complete and total permission to be as awesome as you are :O}
