Tuesday, July 6, 2010

as i say my final farewells . . .

a couple of weeks ago i announced that i have to leave the great City of San Francisco. these past few days i've been taking in as much of this place that i can: walking to this corner and that corner of town, spending quality time with great friends, and saying my final farewells to the City's people and places alike.

as i sit here surrounded by stuffed luggage, i can't help but look back upon these eight short months as some of my best experiences in recent times. it's not just the stellar public transit, random acts of art, and the natural beauty amongst the concrete. while here i found myself surrounded by so many talented, driven, like-minded individuals. it was here where i met countless incredible people and incredibly caring friends. it is in these city boundaries where i realized that feeling old and tired was just a f___ed up state of mind i was thrown into.

oh dear San Francisco, you taught me how to be social again. you showed me how to sing and dance again. you assured me that i can love again. you whipped my fat ass into shape. and you got me hooked on red wine with cheese and crackers =] classy.

don't think for a moment i won't be back. even as i ready myself for the long greyhound ride home, i'm already planning the long greyhound ride back. how soon i'll be back, how often i can come, and how long i can stay i cannot say. just know, SF, that you have in your hands my heart, and no matter what the future may hold i can never forget the times we share together.

so i raise my glass to you, oh fair City. here's to all your beautiful citizens, whether they grew up with you, or like me were unavoidably drawn to you. i must be off, i have my life to assemble, but i thank you for letting me call you "home".

my pal Tony knows exactly how i feel, he'll sing the words for me. take it away, Tony.


blah said...

I live an hour from The Redlands as it stands (though, just as you say, I don't like to stay too far away from SF). So, that means: you're going to have to be my real-life friend, right? Right.

Oh, I absolutely owe you an email; I apologize for my lack of communication...family no likey computer-"-X-" during get-togethers = -X- no likey family get-togethers.

But now that I've got my baby back, and've had a few sessions with my Terminal Doctor (hmm...that sounds a bit wrong), I've got a few things worth mentioning!


dick himself said...

Riverside is where I'm at now, actually; I was driving through Redlands today and the layer of haze was exceptionally thick, depressingly so (and tweet-worthy at that).

btw, i would absolutely love to have an RL friend around these parts. since i left this place after high school it seems the only friends i have left are either A) an hour drive west (which i don't mind doing, just can't do it all the time), or B) have lost their ability to stay up past 10pm