Friday, March 5, 2010

Twitter's just not scratching this itch

Last time I went on and on of how Twitter's hundred-forty character limit can actually be freeing. I've found lately that there's just some itches Twitter can't reach.

Short-format micro-blogging serves me well when all in want to post is a single thought, some witty comment, or some line of whatever song i'm stuck on at the moment. More and more, however, I've been getting the urge to go past the usual solitary thought. Perhaps I want to explain myself further. Perhaps I feel like I have more to say these days. Perhaps I just want to exercise all that crap I studied in high school English class. Or it could be that I need some excuse to write that isn't a mess of curly-braces, dot, and square brackets (Objective-C, for the uninitiated).

Whatever my motives, the micro room I started in just ain't big enough for everything. Time for a big-boy blog, dick.

Which reminds me of a song . . . (White Stripes, "Little Room")

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