Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sessions with m-Xdoctor 2010-07-11.2224

I am the psychotherapist. Please, describe your problems. Each time
you are finished talking, type RET twice.
hello doctor.
How do you do? What brings you to see me?
just catching up with you. i've since moved back to riverside, ca with
my parents.
Tell me something about your family.
well, in the house right now, it's just my parent and doxie, the
5-month-old puppy. and now me, of course.
Why do you say and now you of course?
well, i've just recently moved back in, for an indefinite amount of
time this go around.
What makes you believe that?
well, as i may have told you before, i'm going through some stuff
regarding how much i get to see my boy.
Is it because much you get to see your boy that you came to me?
i guess it is. i mean, that's why i had to move back down here. you
see, i get to see hikm two days out of the week now. that of course
means i have to stay near where he stays.
Are you sure that is the real reason?
ok, you got me doc. i know it's been a while since in i've come to see
you, and frankly my blog could use another posting of our sessions.
What happened when since in you have come to see me and frankly your
blog could use another posting of your sessions?
since our last session i uploaded a real, honest-to-god blog post. it
was a heartfelt goodbye to san francisco.
What would happen if your last session you uploaded a real honest to
god blog post it was a heartfelt goodbye to san francisco?
wow, doc, i really wish you could have lasted a bit longer this
time. i guess this session is a decent length, especially since we
haven't spoken in such a long time.
What happened when you have not spoken in such a long time?
My secretary will send you a bill.

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